Field study to compare the Potassium absorption rate of Nutri Gold K versus other sources of Potassium
Test the Potassium absorption rate via foliar application of Nutri Gold K versus other sources of Potassium

(Assistant Prof.Dr. Jiraporn Inthasan) (2022), To compare the Potassium-absorption rate of Nutri Gold – K and others. Faculty Agricultural and Plant Production Maejo University.
- Potassium content in tomato leaves after 12 hours showed Nutri Gold K as the highest with 4.14%. For example, 99% higher than Potassium Nitrate.
- Potassium content in tomato leaves after 24 hours showed Nutri Gold K as the highest with 4.70%. For example, 30% higher than Potassium Nitrate.
- Potassium content in tomato leaves after 144 hours (the last measurement) showed Nutri Gold K as the highest with 2.38%. 3.4% higher than Potassium Nitrate
- During the trial, Nutri Gold K shows both the fastest absorption rate and the highest Potassium content overall.